
This is a big double whammy that could

This is a big double whammy that could curtail his steals going forward. That takes us to the stolen base situation which definitely is Kemp's fault.The steals have probably been the most aggravating aspect of Kemp's game along with the average due to the fact that tNIKE FREE RUN,he stolen base is what elevates him past the Matt Holliday's and Josh Hamilton's of the world. Kemp's 63 runs are behind last year's pace along with the 67 RBI's falling behind as well. Of course next season there is no way he will be a first round pick but late second round seems right. Heading Timberland 6 Inch Femmento fantasy baseball draft season this year, the consensus top OF was Milwaukee's Ryan Braun and deservedly so. This is a terrible combo to have and is the main reason we are seeing that poor average for the duration of the year. The Dodger lineup has been besieged with injuries to Andre Ethier, Rafael Furcal, and Manny Ramirez all year so I cant blame Kemp much here. Dont get too caught up in this aspect of his game as its not totally his fault. As I noted earlier, Kemp put up a very good.297 line in 2009 which followed a.290 2008. And we can believe that Kemp will eventually hit 30 as he hits his hitting prime in the next few years so this is a category stock that is going up.Now as far as the runs and RBI well these are always a little harder to speculate on due to the fact that the team has a huge impact on their totals. Also Kemp may even get gun shy himself as there are few things in baseball more humiliating for a player than to be thrown out stealing. And if Kemp is not stealing bases, than you can DEFINITELY place him behind the Holliday's and Hamilton's (and maybe even the Nelson Cruz's of the world) in the OF pecking order.Finally the one thing that also has to be looked at here that is not Matt Kemp's fault is the treatment he has received by Torre in regards to his place in the lineup. So the question is: what went wrong? And who is the real Matt Kemp: 2009 or 2010? And finally what can we expect from Kemp moving forward? So with that as out backdrop, lets break it down and figure this out.The first thing I want to make note of with Kemp is the batting average. When you play 162 games a year, a routine is a necessary part of the game and if there is no firm setup in place, than players can react negatively. Kemp has truly been awful in this spot as he has only 16 steals (which is WAY behind last year's pace) and has been caught an absurd 13 times. Sure he will never hit.320 due to the fact he struggles a bit with righties (and since righties are more numerous in baseball, he sees them more and thus there is a bigger negative impact on the average) and also due to Kemp being a high strikeout hitter. Kemp was coming off a truly remarkable 2009 season when he threatened the holy grail of 30/30 by putting up a .297 batting average along with 97 runs 26 HR 101 RBI and 36 SB. He doesn't have the pop to hit cleanup and strikes out too much for the number 2 and 3 spot but 5 is where its at for his game.All in all, Matt Kemp has been a very big disappointment in fantasy owners minds, including mine, and both he and the team have to take blame for him being where he is with his production. Fantasy owners who were lucky enough to grab him (including yours truly at number 6 overall as a I literally obsessed over the man to the point that I distubed myself) had visions of 40/40 dancing in their heads.Now turn the page to August 2010 as we sit here and stare at Kemp's.261 batting average along with 63 runs 19 HR 67 RBI and 16 SB. There hasn't been much of an explanation offered here as to why he is doing so poorly but this is a huge problem for a few reasons. Kemp has many good years ahead of him if he can work through his current issues. Once you got past that unanimous choice however, the next name plucked from the player pool more times than not was none other than the Dodgers' multi-tooled Matt Kemp. In fact the strikeouts are the big RED FLAG here as Kemp already has 122 K's this year when he had 139 all of last season. becoming more undisciplined in his approach. There was not a category that Kemp failed to excel in and so his stock shot through the roof once the calendar turned to the 2010 season. Dissapointment is sky high with his performance and you could argue that based on his draft position (outside of Joe Mauer owners), Matt Kemp has maybe been one of the biggest Nike TN Requin Net Hommeletdowns in fantasy baseball. Flat out, if Kemp doesnt improve his batting eye and plate approach, than he will never get back to the.290 mark which is where his baseline is. For one, you got to think that at some point manager Joe Torre will be forced to give him the red light in that regard so as not to give away outs. Flat out it is a joke the way he has been bounced around anywhere from 2nd to 3rd to 4th to 6th and even 7th. uncomfortable in the box right now AND B. That is just unacceptable for someone with his type of speed and the fact he got caught only 8 times in 42 tries last year. Ummmm what the hell is that crap???? Yeah exactly. You have to bat a certain way in different parts of the lineup and this can easily throw off someone's approach at the plate. Kemp to me is a perfect number 5 hitter and that's where he should be. Dont overlook this issue being one that has a big negative impact on Kemp's numbers because more than anything a baseball player craves normalcy. We are now hearing word that Kemp's agent has requested a trade for next season so it appears as if things are going to get ugly which of course is another huge negative. This is one area where Kemp is doing all right in with his 19 HR's as he is on pace to equal or even exceed last year's 26. So clearly Kemp is letting down big time in that department with is current.261. The walk back to the dugout when everyone stares at you and your failure is tough to stomach. That tells us he is A. Add it all up and you get a jumpy player who has no comfort zone being in a set lineup spot. With that being said, Matt Kemp in my opinion is still a tremendously talented player who you shouldn't give up on. There is no doubt in my mind that some of Kemp's struggles have to do with him being moved all over the lineup. To say that Kemp has let down his owners this season is a huge understatement and the only consistency the man has shown is being inconsistent all year. Ultimately I think Kemp will improve there as he gets older as he still is quite young but the very best we can expect is around.290.Lets now take a look at the power numbers. And than twice being sat down for two straight days. Its the same thing I wrote in the Justin Upton column last week. Players with this much natural talent are ones you have to stick with. He did start out with 7 in April but has been consistent with 3 or 4 in each month since. In fact Kemp's average draft position was 7.89 which put him squarely in the middle of the first round and based on last year's numbers, there was no quibbling with that position. Stay the course long term but by all means feel angry about this season's effort.Founder of http://fantasysportsboss.blogspot.com/ which is your one stop place for up-to-the-minute fantasy baseball and football news along with analysis and rankings all year long..

