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Then the producer must find material that showcases that difference. If a copycat of Crest Toothpaste
came out that cost about the same as Crest, tasted about the same as Crest
and looked about the same as Crest why would Crest users switch? They wouldn't, people
are creatures of habit. But in my opinion that is not producing, at least in
most cases. They may do a decent mix and create a CD that sounds professional.
But most singers, songwriters and bands, even though they may be highly talented, are not
unique enough to garner a deal as-is. A few actually release major label singles and
might have a charting hit or two but then they disappear from the charts, never
to be heard from again. It's the producer's job to bring tn requin it out.I'm going to
toss out a few names: Dolly Parton, Neil Young, Jennifer Nettles, Louie Armstrong, Michael McDonald,
Josh Turner...If you hear any of them on your radio, you instantly recognize who they
are. Think of it this way: Your sound is a product and just like any
other product, must compete in the marketplace. The bottom line is that when the CD
is finished the producer should have achieved a clearly defined sound that is cohesive throughout
the project- a sound you can build a career on!Bill Watson is the owner of
http://www.playitagaindemos.com which is a demo service for songwriters and song publishers. Some producer's do little
more than manage a recording session and take whatever is given them from the musicians
and the vocalist. Why? Because they failed 925 silver to differentiate themselves enough to attract a fan
base. Know this, if you can't create that same kind of instant identity, you are
not very likely to get signed to a recording contract- you'll be one of hundreds
of soundalikes vying for that same deal- and if you do get signed, your latest
pair of shoes my well outlast your career.There are hundreds of male and female singers
here in Nashville who have not a dime's worth of difference between them. It could
be the singer's tone or their incredible range, or maybe the way they slur certain
words...it could even be the way their voice is recorded and mixed. Sure, there are
times when an artist has a voice and style where staying out of the way
and simply capturing the magic is the right approach. He has also written magazine articles
for publications as diverse as Small Business Opportunities, Entertainment Weekly and Sports Afield. A songwriter
or singer about to record a demo or CD intended either to garner industry attention
or for direct sale to the public needs to be cognizant of this: not all
producer's are created equal. Nor will fans share or switch their loyalty to a singer
that isn't clearly different from their favorites.To create that necessary difference a producer has to
look at the entire artist and find one thing or create one thing that is
unique enough to differentiate them on radio. His book "Guitar Shop: A Beginner's Guide To
Learning Rhythm and Lead Guitar" was #1 in its category on Amazon.com for nearly two
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